When participating in recreational programs, there is an inherent risk of injury. To ensure safe play for everyone, please follow these simple rules:
Play Safe
Parent/guardian supervision is required at all times
Large play structure is for kids ages 12 and under
Tiny Tots area is for kids ages 4 and under
Socks are required at all times – no shoes or bare feet allowed in play structures
Clothes must be free of drawstrings or anything restrictive
Toys and sharp objects are not allowed in play structures
Play Clean
Food and beverages are not allowed in play area, including gum and candy (All food and beverages must stay in party rooms or the main lobby)
Play Hard
Skip and jump – but don't run
Crawl and roll – but don't climb on netting or outer part of play structures
Try everything – but take turns
Play with everyone – but don't horseplay or fight
Special Event Rules
Parents must accompany children when participating in games and activities!
Routine Cleaning
It is more important than ever to ensure that all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected. At Sapora Playworld, there is no need to worry about infection spreading viruses. We’re equipped with the award-winning Clorox® Total 360® System from CloroxPro, an innovative electrostatic spray technology that can provide enhanced surface disinfection to help prevent the spread of harmful bacteria & viruses and works to ensure healthier environments.
We’re honored to serve our community with the best technology in clean. Learn more at